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Independence Day Program In Timergara Dir Lower

Independence Day Program In Timergara Dir Lower

PSF Timergara arangd a bag program on the Independence Day of PAKISTAN.The Spot for the program is grugury chaok timergara dir lower. the program will be started on 14th agust at night on 08;00 pm. this program having sengin of national songs, spetchs, culture music and pyrotechince. the program is orginised by the peoples student federation.

PSF Timergara arangd a bag program on the Independence Day of PAKISTAN.The Spot for the program is pot godam main bazar grugury chaok timergara dir lower. the program will be started on 14th agust at night on 08;00 pm. this program having sengin of national songs, spetchs, culture music and pyrotechince. the program is orginised by the peoples student federation.


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